Show #290: Matt Hauge


By Lynnae Marty Hentzen

This week we are starting a new series focused on food and its impact on the environment, our health, and our communities. Many of us want to do our part to make adjustments within our own lives to mitigate the effects of climate change and what we eat is a great place to start.

There are many options to choose from and you can embrace only one or two and still have a positive impact.

If you don’t want to be a vegetarian, try Meatless Mondays.

If you want to minimize the transportation costs of the food you buy, shop at your local Farmer’s Market when possible.

If you want to eat healthier, try to eat more whole foods which usually come with no or minimal packaging.

Try something. I believe that you will find it may be easier than you think!

With more people getting vaccinated, we are able to slowly emerge from the pandemic lock-down. Events around the metro are re-opening, often in modified ways and the opportunities to re-connect outside in the community are popping up all over. A great example is the opening of many of the Farmer’s Markets around town.

Our guest this week is Matt Hauge, Executive Director of Historic Valley Junction Foundation. 

Valley Junction is one of the Des Moines metro’s favorite local shopping and event destinations and the original downtown in West Des Moines. It is open for business as the events begin to return to this beloved neighborhood!

Matt Zoom pic-2021-05-04 at 4.33.23 PM.png

Key Takeaways from our discussion: 

-       At a farmer’s market, you are able to meet and talk directly with the farmer

-       Much of the food available at your farmer’s market was picked fresh that day 

-       By purchasing your food at a farmer’s market, you can enjoy eating with the seasons

-       Food assistance programs are available at your farmer’s market such as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and DUFB (Double Up Food Bucks)

-       Ride your bike or take the bus to the farmer’s market to enhance your experience

-       There are new businesses and restaurants in Valley Junction so check it out if you haven’t been there lately.

             “Our early 21st century civilization is in trouble.

                        We need not go beyond the world food economy to see this.

                                    Over the last few decades,

                        We have created a food production bubble – 

                                    One based on environmental trends that cannot be sustained,

                        Including over-pumping aquifers,

                                    Over-plowing land, and

                        Over-loading the atmosphere with carbon dioxide.”

                                    ~ Lester R. Brown, World on the Edge (2011)


            “ If we can’t afford to take good care of the land that feeds us,

                        We’re in an insurmountable mess.”

                                    ~Wendell Berry, American novelist, poet and farmer


 Thank you for listening to today’s discussion. Let’s continue the conversation and learn from each other.