2013 guests

17 Mayor Frank Cownie - State of the City/State of the World 12-27-13

16 Reo Menning - Garbage 12-20-13

15 James Gilchrist & Stephanie Eisner - Green Iowa Americorp 12-13-13

14 Adam Hammes - Urban Ambassadors 12-06-13

13 Sharon Hicks - Green Gifts 11-29-13

12 Matt Hauge Environment - Water 11-22-13

11 Isa O’Hara - Drink, Eat & Buy Local 11-15-13

10 Sean Holmes - Sustainability in Sports 11-08-13

9 Paris Boehm - Green Real Estate/TIP 11-01-13

8 Rich Leopold - Conservation 10-25-13

7 Ciji Matrician - Recycloing 10-18-13

6 Ann Holtz & Linda Hunter - Eco Homemaking 10-11-13

5 Ben Allen - Backyard Beekeeping 10-04-13

4 Carl Voss - Biking 09-27-13

3 Bob Schulte - Worm Composting/Vermiculture 09-20-13

2 Siobhan Spain - COSC & Energy Efficient Neighborhoods 09-13-13

1 Beth Hicks - Backyard Chickens 09-06-13